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Monday, September 22, 2008

Fedora 9 Live on USB - liveusb-creator

Here is another great way to try Linux, put the Live CD to a USB flashdrive. Doing such may involve many steps plus the use of the command line as shown in this wiki. But there is an easy and fast way to do it, via the liveusb-creator.

The liveusb-creator is a cross-platform tool for easily installing live operating systems on to USB flash drives. You can get this nifty application from the official site:

To try this, I have downloaded the Fedora-9-i686-Live-KDE Live CD. See my screenshots below:

Extracted the files from the zip archive then launched liveusb-creator.exe.

At this point you can browse for the Fedora 9 Live CD iso or download. Earlier I got Fedora-9-i686-Live-KDE. I am also using my Transend 8GB USB Flash Drive.

Persistent Storage (see note/caption below).

I've set it to max.

Done! Really simple and fast.

The whole installation with the maximum persistence storage cost me 2.67GB.

Files and folders in the Root...

... in the LiveOS folder...

... in the Syslinux folder.

The Fedora 9 Desktop (KDE).

Some more system and application screenshots:

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